Another first, with her busy schedule actually clear for the afternoon, my wife was able to come with me for her first flight in the Cirrus. That raised the stress factor a bit as I was very excited to show off this wondrous airplane. She is prone to motion sickness, so for her to get near an airplane takes courage...and flying with me, well she is one special lady.

Butter Valley is within 3 miles of our house, but the tiny field won't support a Cirrus. I could land but would not get off again.(Runway 34 1535 x 24 asphalt, remainder turf). We headed in that direction for some sight seeing and a low approach. Along the way I proudly demonstrated the avionics and pointed out familiar landmarks. We finished up with obligatory fly by the house and headed back to Wings.
Mission accomplished. We had fun. Hopefully this will lead to some more significant adventures when the winter weather subsides.
Time = 1.1 hours